Please share your experiences of undergraduate research as a student Your Contact Details* Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Ass. Prof.Prof.Rev. Title First name Last name Institution*The Australian National UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityAuckland University of Technology (AUT)Bond UniversityCharles Darwin UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityCQUniversity AustraliaCurtin UniversityDeakin UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityFederation University AustraliaFlinders UniversityGriffith UniversityJames Cook UniversityLa Trobe UniversityLincoln UniversityMacquarie UniversityMassey UniversityMonash UniversityMurdoch UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyRMIT UniversitySouthern Cross UniversitySwinburne University of TechnologyThe University of AdelaideThe University of AucklandThe University of MelbourneThe University of New EnglandThe University of Notre DameThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of CanberraUniversity of CanterburyUniversity of OtagoUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of Southern QueenslandUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of WaikatoUniversity of WollongongUNSW, SydneyVictoria UniversityVictoria University of WellingtonWestern Sydney UniversityOther - insert belowInstitution Name (if not listed above)Name of degree enrolled in*How long is the Degree?* 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years What year are you in now?* 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year completed Email* Phone*Please tell us the names of any Collaborators including your Supervisor Sponsor/Tutor if relevant Add Name of Collaborator* Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Ass. Prof.Prof.Rev. Title First name Last name Institution*The Australian National UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityAuckland University of Technology (AUT)Bond UniversityCharles Darwin UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityCQUniversity AustraliaCurtin UniversityDeakin UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityFederation University AustraliaFlinders UniversityGriffith UniversityJames Cook UniversityLa Trobe UniversityLincoln UniversityMacquarie UniversityMassey UniversityMonash UniversityMurdoch UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyRMIT UniversitySouthern Cross UniversitySwinburne University of TechnologyThe University of AdelaideThe University of AucklandThe University of MelbourneThe University of New EnglandThe University of Notre DameThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of CanberraUniversity of CanterburyUniversity of OtagoUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of Southern QueenslandUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of WaikatoUniversity of WollongongUNSW, SydneyVictoria UniversityVictoria University of WellingtonWestern Sydney UniversityOther - insert belowInstitution Name (if not listed above)Academic department or school*Collaborator's email* Country*Please tick which of the following you have been involved in:* Hands-on research projects for the summer /winter with an academic or researcher? Hands-on research projects with an academic during one or more semesters, while attending classes. Hands-on research in a company or other organization at their site. A thesis, Honours project or dissertation that involves hands-on research. Other kinds of hands-on research experiences If other above, please give details here:Please tell us about the topic of the research and what you did?What was the best thing about doing research?What was the worse thing about doing researchWhat resaerch are you likely to do next?Anything else you would like to tell usHave you presented your research at an ACUR ConferenceYesNoIf yes, please tell us where and in what yearIf no, would you like to present at a future ACUR conferenceCAPTCHAThank you for telling us about your experiences of research as a studentPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Back to Research