ACUR was established in 2013 to ensure that conferences of undergraduate research would be held in Australasia annually. Since that time, it has grown to become an inclusive community of university students and staff seeking to foster undergraduate research in higher education institutions throughout Australia and New Zealand.
ACUR is a not-for-profit membership association incorporated in New South Wales, Australia. It is financed by member subscriptions and revenue from events, and receives no government or other funding support. Members include universities, individuals, and students. Donations are always welcome.
ACUR Executive
The principle decision-making body of ACUR is the Executive Committee which is responsible for overall policy and practice.
Steering Committee
ACUR is overseen by an International Steering Committee consisting of representatives of Australasian member institutions, individual experts in undergraduate research, and representatives of other universities and organisations for undergraduate research worldwide as invited by the Executive.
The Steering Committee acts as an influential advisory body in respect of the activities of ACUR. Steering Committee members represent some 30 Australian and 4 New Zealand universities and 14 other organisations and universities worldwide.