Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstract submission is open to undergraduate students from ALL disciplines and recent graduates including Honours students (within 12 months of Graduation at Bachelor’s level) to present research conducted during or before undergraduate studies including extra-curricular research.
Presentation Formats
Oral presentation: 10 minutes with 5 minutes for Q&A with audience, including judges.
Poster presentation: 10 minutes, including question time, to pitch to audience and judging panel.
Abstract Guidelines
Your abstract must be no more than 250 words long. Please use follow the following tips
Make sure you orient your abstract topic to address the Conference Theme
What is the research question or problem? Contextualise your topic.
Relevant background information to understand the importance of the research question.
A clear statement of the research methodology.
A summary of your key findings and an indication of their significance.
Additional Tips
With a 250-word limit, write only what is necessary, avoiding wordiness. Use active voice and pay attention to excessive prepositional phrasing.
Revise, proofread, and edit your abstract to ensure that it’s final presentation is error free.
Your language should be professional, and your style should adhere to academic standards.
Do not include in-text citations and references.
The final draft should be linear and clear, and it should read smoothly.
Abstract Keywords
In the abstract submission form, you will be asked to identify keywords that relate to your abstract. Keywords should follow these guidelines:
Keywords should represent key concepts.
Keywords should be descriptive.
Avoid using words that are too general, vague, or ambiguous.
Do not use words already in your title.
Keywords should be in their basic form (e.g. singular nouns or infinitive verbs).
Keywords accurately identify the most important topics covered in the abstract.
Peer Review Rubric
Your abstract will be peer reviewed by university academics in accordance with the following rubric:
Contains terminology and content that can be understood by a general university audience.
Provides a clear statement of the research question, problem or issue being investigated.
Provides relevant context/background information needed to understand the importance of the research topic/issue.
Includes a clear statement of relevant methodology.
Indicates what was found and why it matters.
Is written clearly and concisely.
Please contact vicky.tzioumis@sydney.edu.au for any further information.
Download our Guidelines for Oral Presentations by clicking on the image below

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