Our bi-annual newsletter, URNA (Undergraduate Research News Australasia), publishes articles by students about their research, and also carries news from ACUR and from conferences as well as about upcoming events. Articles from university staff are also welcome, written in a style suitable for a general audience.
If you’d like to contribute, please feel free to contact the editor, Dr Lilia Mantai, with an outline of what you’d like to say. Articles should be between 300 and 500 words in length, with an appealing title and a photograph (if active, all the better). Please download our Writing for URNA template. Submissions are due by 10 March and 10 October each year.
If you have any photographs that Lilia can add to her collection for future use, please send them. Please ensure that you have appropriate permissions.
If you have a vague idea for a contribution, why not try it out on our Discussion Forum.
URNA is available in hard copy and digital form, and is distributed to all members and Steering Committee members around the world, as well as to all universities in Australia and New Zealand. We hope that members will distribute URNA widely.