Published works listed here are available via Google Scholar. Ephemeral works are linked. If you cannot access any documents you require, please email the ACUR Chair.

Publications by topic

Project reports


Undergraduate research general

Brew, A. (forthcoming). A philosophy of Undergraduate Research. Chapter for Meig, et al The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate research.
Mantai, L. & Marrone Mauricio (2022) Identifying skills, qualifications, and attributes expected to do a PhD. Studies in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2022.2061444
Brew, A., & Saunders, C. (2020). Making sense of research-based learning in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, (87) 102935.
Brew, A., Mantai, L., &  Miles, A., (2019). Towards inclusive knowledge-building communities: An Australian university case.  In M. Murtonen and K. Balloo, Redefining Scientific Thinking for Higher Education: Higher-Order Thinking, Evidence-Based Reasoning and Research Skills (pp. 233–253).  London, PalgraveMacmillan.
Brew, A., & Mantai, L. (2017). Academics’ perceptions of the challenges and barriers to implementing research-based experiences for undergraduates. Teaching in Higher Education,  22(5), 551–568. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2016.1273216
Brew, A. (2015). Forward. In C. Guerin, P. Bartholomew and C. Nygaard (eds). Learning to research, researching to learn (pp. vii-ix). Faringdon, Oxon, Libri Publishing.
Hajdarpasic, A., Brew, A., & Popenici, S. (2015). The contribution of academics’ engagement in research to undergraduate education.  Studies in Higher Education. 40(4), 644–657.
Brew, A. & Cahir, J. (2014). Achieving sustainability in learning and teaching initiatives.  International Journal for Academic Development, 19(4) 341-352.
Brew, A. (2013). Understanding the scope of undergraduate research: A framework for curricular and pedagogical decision-making. Higher Education, 66(5) 603–618.
Spronken-Smith, R., Brodeur, J., Kajaks, T., Luck, M., Myatt, P., Walkington, H., Verburg, A., & Wuetherick, B. (2013). Completing the research cycle: A framework for promoting dissemination of undergraduate research and inquiry. Teaching and Learning Inquiry,1(2), 105-108.
Brew, A., & Jewell, E. (2012). Enhancing quality learning through experiences of research-based learning: Implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development, 17(1), 47-58.
Spronken-Smith, R.A., Walker, R., Batchelor, J., O’Steen, B., & Angelo, T. (2012). Evaluating student perceptions of learning processes and intended learning outcomes under inquiry approaches. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 37(1-2): 57-72.  
Spronken-Smith, R.A., Walker, R., Dickinson, K.J.M., Closs, G.P., Lord, J.M., & Harland, T. (2011). Redesigning a Curriculum for Inquiry: an Ecology Case Study, Instructional Science, 39(5): 721-735.
Spronken-Smith, R.A., Walker, R., Batchelor, J., O’Steen, B., & Angelo, T. (2011). Enablers and constraints to the use of inquiry-based learning in undergraduate education. Teaching in Higher Education, 16(1): 15-28.  
Spronken-Smith, R., & Walker, R. (2010). Can inquiry-based learning strengthen the links between teaching and disciplinary research? Studies in Higher Education, 35(6): 723-740.

Undergraduate research in Australia and New Zealand

Mantai, L., & Brew, A. (forthcoming). Undergraduate Research in Australia. In Meig et al, The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research.
Brew, A., & Mantai, L. (2020). Turning a dream into reality: building undergraduate research capacity across Australasia. In N. Hensel & P. Blessinger International Perspectives on Undergraduate Research – Policy and Practice, 39-56. London, PalgraveMacmillan.
Spronken-Smith, R.  (2020). The status of undergraduate research in New Zealand: Promoted and pervasive? In N. Hensel & P. Blessinger (Eds). International perspectives on undergraduate research: Policy and practice, 251-264. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Spronken-Smith. R., Mirosa, R., & Darrou, M. (2014). “Learning is an endless journey for anyone”: Undergraduate awareness, experiences and perceptions of the research culture in a research-intensive university. Higher Education Research and Development, 33(2), 355-371.
Brew, A. (2012). Using COEUR at an Australian University (pp.55-57). In Council on Undergraduate research. (2012). Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research (COEUR). Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research.
O’Steen, B., & Spronken-Smith, R.A. (2012). Inquiry-guided learning in New Zealand: From an appetizer to an entrée. In V. Lee (Ed). The Power of Inquiry as a Way of Learning in Undergraduate Education, New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Spring (129), 39-49.
Brew, A. (2010). An Australian perspective on undergraduate research. CUR Quarterly, Fall, 31(1), 37-42.

The nature of research

Brew, A., Boud, D., Namgung, S.U., Lucas, L. & Crawford, K., (2016). Research productivity, and academics’ conceptions of research. Higher Education, 71(5) 681-697.
Brew, A., & Lucas, L. (Eds.). (2009). Academic Research and Researchers. London: Open University Press and Society for Research into Higher Education.
Brew, A., & Åkerlind, G. S. (2009). Conclusion: Directions for future research. In A. Brew, & L. Lucas, (Eds.), Academic Research and Researchers (pp. 204-218). London: Open University Press and Society for Research into Higher Education.
Brew, A., & Boud, D. (2009). Understanding academics’ engagement with research. In A. Brew, & L. Lucas, (Eds.), Academic Research and Researchers (pp. 189-203). London: Open University Press and Society for Research into Higher Education.
Brew, A., & Lucas, L. (2009). Introduction: Academic research and researchers. In A. Brew & L. Lucas (Eds.). Academic Research and Researchers (pp. 1-1). London: Open University Press and Society for Research into Higher Education.
Brew, A. (2009). Academic research in contemporary society. In M. Tight, J. Huisman, K. H. Mok & C. Morphew (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education (pp. 473-486). London: Routledge.
Brew, A. (2001). The nature of research: inquiry in academic contexts. London, RoutledgeFalmer.
Brew, A. (2001). Conceptions of Research: A phenomenographic study. Studies in Higher Education, 26(2), 271-285. Reprinted as: Brew, A. (2004). Conceptions of Research: a phenomenographic study. In M. Tight (Ed), The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Higher Education (pp. 214-230). London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Linking Teaching and Research

Brew, A. (2016). Shifting perspectives on research and teaching relationships: A view from Australia. In J. Fanghanel and P. John, (Eds.), Dimensions of Marketisation in Higher Education (pp.143-153). Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge.
Brew, A. (2012). Teaching and research: new relationships and their implications for inquiry-based teaching and learning in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(1), 101-114. 
Brew, A. (2010). Imperatives and challenges in integrating teaching and research. Higher Education Research and Development, 29(2) 139-150.
Brew, A. (2007). Integrating research and teaching: understanding excellence. In A. Skelton (Ed.) International perspectives on teaching excellence in higher education (pp. 74-88). London: Routledge.
Brew, A. (2006). Research and Teaching: Beyond the divide. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brew, A. (2006). Learning to develop the relationship between research and teaching at an institutional level. In C. Kreber (Ed.), New Directions for Teaching and Learning: Exploring research-based Teaching (pp. 13-22). New York: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Brew, A. (2003). Teaching and research: new relationships and their implications for inquiry-based teaching and learning in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development, 22(1), 3-18. 
Brew, A. (1999). Research and Teaching: changing relationships in a changing context. Studies in Higher Education, 24(3), 291-301.
Brew, A., &  Boud, D. (1995). Teaching and research: establishing the vital link with learning. Higher Education, 29, 261-273.

Teaching spaces

Popenici, S., & Brew, A. (2013). Reading Walls on University Corridors: Transitional Learning Spaces in Campus. In M. Vicars and T. McKenna, (Eds.), Discourse, power, and resistance Down Under: Volume 2 (pp. 145-156). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Graduate Research education

Bosanquet, A., Mantai, L., Fredericks, V. (2020). Deferred time in the neoliberal university: experiences of doctoral candidates and early career academics. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(6) 736 749.
Mantai, L. (2019). ‘A Source of Sanity’: The role of social support for doctoral candidate’s belonging and becoming. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 14(1).
Mantai, L. (2019). “Feeling more academic now”: Doctoral stories of becoming an academic. The Australian Educational Researcher, 46(1) 137–153.
Brew, A., Boud, D., & Malfroy, J. (2017). The role of research education coordinators in building research cultures in doctoral education. Higher Education Research and Development, 36(2), 255-268. DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1177812.
Dowling, R., Mantai, L. (2017). Placing researcher identifications: labs, offices and homes in the PhD. Area, 49(2) 200–207.
Mantai, L. (2017). Feeling like a researcher: Experiences of early doctoral students in Australia. Studies in Higher Education, 42(4) 636–650.
Mantai, L., & Dowling, R. (2015). Supporting the PhD journey: Insights from acknowledgements. International Journal for Researcher Development.
Pearson, M., & Brew, A. (2002). Research Training and Supervisor Development. Studies in Higher Education. 27(2), 135-150. 


Project reports

Brew, A & Mantai, L. (2016). Challenges and barriers to implementing research-based experiences for undergraduates at Macquarie University. Report to PVC (Learning and Teaching). Macquarie University Learning and Teaching Centre 18pp.  DOI: 10.25910/j8wf-tz47
Brew, A., & Mantai, L. (2015).  Ensuring the sustainability of an annual international conference of Australasian undergraduate research. SEED Project Final Report. Sydney, NSW, Office for Learning and Teaching.
Brew, A. & Mantai, L. (2014). Stimulating strategic teaching and learning initiatives through enhanced familiarity with undergraduate research and inquiry. Final Report of Macquarie University Learning and Teaching Competitive Grant Project. Available:
Brew, A., Downie, A., Mantai, L., & Van Bergan, P. (2014). Creating a community of  undergraduate research scholars. Final Report of Macquarie University Learning and Teaching Innovation and Scholarship Program Project.
Boud, D., Ryland, K., Brew A., Dowling, R., Kiley, M., McKenzie, J., Malfroy, J., & Solomon, N. (2014). Building local leadership for research education.  OLT Final Report 2014.
Brew, A., Popenici, S., & Mantai, L. (2013). The development of undergraduates’ awareness of, and engagement in, research. Final Report of Macquarie University Learning and Teaching Priority Grant Project.
Homewood, J., Rigby, B., Brew, A., & Rowe, A. (2011). Research enhanced learning and teaching: learning through scholarship. North Ryde, NSW: Macquarie University.
Jewell, E., & Brew, A. (2010) Undergraduate research experience programs in Australian universities: National Teaching Fellowship Report. Sydney, NSW: Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Brew, A. (2010). Enhancing undergraduate engagement through research and inquiry: National Teaching Fellowship Final Report. Sydney, NSW: Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Brew, A. (2008). Research-Enhanced Learning and Teaching Project Final Report to The University of Sydney Learning and Teaching Committee. May. DOI: 10.25910/8tv2-b920
Brew, A & Peseta, P. (2007).  The Research Higher Degree Supervision Development Program. Report to The University of Sydney Research and Research Training Committee of Academic Board. 6 November.  DOI: 10.25910/43m4-6215
Brew, A. (2005). Further Plan for the Development of Research-Led Teaching and Research-Based Learning at The University of Sydney. Institute for Teaching and Learning, The University of Sydney,  pp22.  DOI: 10.25910/804x-6p66
Brew, A & Weir, J (2004). Teaching-Research Nexus Benchmarking Project: the University of Sydney and Monash University. Institute for Teaching and Learning, The University of Sydney and the Centre for Higher Education Quality, Monash University, pp 22.  DOI:10.25910/6mvb-yd23
Brew, A. (Ed.) (2003). Research-led Teaching and scholarship of teaching project: report to Teaching and Learning Committee of Academic Board, Compiled on behalf of the Research-led Teaching Working Group. Institute for Teaching and Learning, the University of Sydney, pp40. 
DOI: 10.25910/9kyj-wm34

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